Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Tasty Treats

Compared to San Francisco, eating gluten free is a major challenge. However, I've been pleasantly surprised with the food discoveries I've made over the past 6 weeks.

Hong Kong grocery chains carry limited snack options, and stocking is not scheduled. That said, I these following options consistently available.

New to me, Innocent Smoothies for Kids happen to be a great option for gluten free adults. The little cartons have a full serving of fruit!

Don't underestimate the power of a rice cake covered in dark chocolate. These rice thins from Kallo are a nice treat, and pretty much the only gluten free item in the "biscuits" aisle.

My two other staples include Sakata crackers (try: Italian tomato basalmic) and Eat Natural bars (try: Dates, Walnuts and Pumpkin Seeds).

Before moving here, I did not find much information on living gluten free in Hong Kong. I hope these posts help others living here or passing through.

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