Sunday, July 25, 2010

Hong Kong, Amazing Race Style

I recently worked with a team to organize a team-building activity. We called it a scavenger hunt, but it was really more like The Amazing Race, one of my favorite shows. The planning took a lot of effort, but introduced me to some amazing sites around Hong Kong. (I was later able to play tour guide to Darryl and Sharon to these places.) Below are some highlights.

My first trip to The Peak consisted of a scounting exercise which left little time for panoramic photos. I did squeeze in one fun photo (below) and went a second time with Sharon.

Gina in front of old Hong Kong facade at The Peak
Hong Kong is known for its redevelopment and not a day goes by without hearing its symphony of jackhammering and jarring bangs. One difficult-to-find street is exempt from the blustering noise, Wing Lee Street. Buildings from the 1960s era stand as relics and memories of old Hong Kong. This street was slated for redevelopment until the film "Echoes of the Rainbow" launched in 2010. The film popularized the street, redevelopment plans were stopped and now there is discussions for preserving the street.

Courtesy of Margaret Tam

Wing Lee Street balcony

Old style Hong Kong mailboxes

Old style shop gate

Avenue of the Stars is Hong Kong's tribute to Cantonese and Mandarin film stars and industry professionals. The famous walk not only hosts 100+ stars and hand prints, but is one of the most famous destinations to watch the evening light show.

Kung fu actor Bruce Lee

Cross over actor, Jackie Chan

1881 Heritage was the Headquarters of the Hong Kong Marine Police. It was later redeveloped into a high end shopping and restaurant area, but kept some of the historical elements including the time ball, mast and noon day cannons.

Darryl and the Noon Day Cannon

One historic location didn't make the cut. Lee Tung Street is located in Wan Chai (a block away from us) and known as wedding card street by locals. Note: The street sign pictured below was gone 2 days later. Love redevelopment.

Famous for wedding invitation shops

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