Saturday, October 16, 2010

Dallas food finds

"There’s a scene in “The Hurt Locker,” right after Staff Sgt. William James (played by Jeremy Renner) returns from Iraq, when he goes to the grocery store with his wife. She asks him to pick out a box of cereal, and in the absurd contrast of a combat zone and a cereal aisle, he becomes paralyzed by the choice." by Josie Cellone  Watch the scene here.

While there are many grocery stores in Hong Kong, nothing compares to the abundance in a US grocery store or warehouse store. Darryl and I were simply in awe during our first few grocery store visits. We spent an hour inside Whole Foods just walking the aisles, looking and appreciating every item. After the initial shock, we became giddy with joy over the things we'd cook and eat.

And of course we wouldn't be us if we didn't photograph some silly food finds...

What the what?... Found at Ranch 99

Longhorn Vanilla... Found at Sprinkles (Hook 'em horns)

Fried butter... Found at the State Fair

BBQ Baked Potato... Found at Whole Foods

Ono grinds... Found at Ranch 99

For more, check out Things I did not eat at the Texas State Fair.

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