Sunday, February 13, 2011

Baby I Like It

I want to say it was 2002 when Monica and I won tickets to see Enrique Iglesias from a radio station. We were giddy as school girls and we didn't care that they were lawn seats at the Shoreline.

One day in January, I was scanning tweets and discovered a contest to win a trip to Miami, meet Enrique Iglesias, and see him in concert. I dared Monica to enter on a whim. The contest closed that day.

Monica later tells me she received my text in a theatre waiting for a movie to begin. She entered the contest. Why not?

And guess what?

View from our hotel room

Getting ready to meet Enrique

At the meet and greet

Enrique and Gina

We feel the Euphoria (name of his tour)
Concert photo courtesy of Monica

Concert photo courtesy of Monica

Pitbull cameo, photo courtesy of Monica

It couldn't get better right? Oh it did... Karin docked in Miami the next day and I hung out with her while we exchanged trip stories.

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